The Learning Part of Writing

I would always encourage aspiring writers to take some form of formal teaching for writing. Go to some seminars in your area. Join a serious writing group. By serious I mean one that actually helps you with the craft, not one which never laughs. Those aren’t worth while.

One of the best options though is to take some classes at a college – big university or even a community college. But when that option doesn’t really work for you check online! Places like Udemy, Udacity and Iversity offer free online courses that you can take at your own pace. There are also places like MIT, Open Culture and a crap ton of others that allow for more options.

Just get yourself writing and having someone else look at it. Beg for feedback whenever you can – okay, maybe not beg – but let someone tell you what’s actually working and what still needs to be worked on. And then of course they can offer advice for those areas.

One of my favorite school courses this year is my creative writing class. Not only do I have a great little nerd corner in my back corner but we also have a lot of time to look at each other and share feedback. I’ve had two students come up to me specifically for feedback outside of our assigned groups. And by the end of the semester, we’ll have built ourselves a portfolio. I’m really looking forward to this part.

I try not to feel like I’m a foot tall because I need help with my writing still. I doubt I’ll ever feel satisfied in my skills but that’s alright. It’s good to continue to strive for something better. Just learn to be grateful for those who do appreciate your work and give you compliments. Take the compliment with a smile and thank you instead of tearing yourself down with “Oh, it was only this” or blah whatever. You can write well as you continue getting better. That’s the whole point!

Published by justryn

A faerie recording my incredible journey through the cosmos. In my time in this life, on this world, I'd like to open my own library.

5 thoughts on “The Learning Part of Writing

  1. Learning to take and give good feedback is a great skill. Criticism should be like a good book–layered and expansive. You’ve provided some great links! I agree that all writers must continually work on their craft, and the best method to accomplish this is to keep writing. The act of writing exposes our weaknesses and the repeated mistakes that sink into our works. If you find a great group of people dedicated to good feedback, hold tight to them!! 🙂


    1. I couldn’t agree more, Jeannie. I have a local group of authors who are just fantastic! I’m glad you enjoyed the links. Are you a part of any of those places?


    1. Well, thank you for following me. 🙂 It’s great that you can learn from your kids. Homeschooling can be rough so keep at it.

      As for the time to take a writing class, I can completely relate. This next semester looks like I could use a time turner to make it all fit. That’s why I love the online option. So many of those courses are the go at your own pace kind. All the materials are there and you get to them when you get there. So if you have a massive chunk of time one day and plow through the first chapters and then struggle to do anything for a few weeks only to pick up a chapter per two week average, that’s all cool. At least you are moving forward through learning. I’d definitely try out Udemy first. So many free courses to see if it could work for you. I’ve done a few there and haven’t paid a thing. Good luck in whatever you do.


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